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599 Arvita Ct
Fairbanks, Alaska 99712


North Star Engineering has been providing experienced and customer centered building Inspection, home inspection, civil engineering, structural engineering and design services to the interior Alaska since its inception in 1991.


 Client Reviews and Testimonials


See more reviews, or write your own here.

“Mr. Jeannet's exemplary service, vast experience, and professionalism exceed the goals stated on his company's website. His inspection of a home I am in the process of purchasing was thorough and comprehensive. He took the time to explain the home's systems to me in layman's terms and to answer all of my questions. Charlie is knowledgeable, personable, and ethical. I highly recommend him.”

“Charlie is the man! Very knowledgeable and easy to communicate with. What else can you ask for?”

“Charlie is a great home inspector! He has inspected properties for me on multiple occasions, not only in the purchase of a rental property and a new home but also for the engineer's inspections while building a duplex. He always takes the time to explain things I'm not familiar with and what could be considered minor issues vs. major issues. Strongly recommend using North Star Engineering!”

“Charlie's knowledge and experience made us feel comfortable w/ purchasing our home. He was great during the inspection, all while explaining things very thoroughly.”